Monday, May 31, 2010

Trip Report - May 28th (happy anniversary Becks!)

Saturday was a good day out. Not as many fish on previous weekends and not as large. However, we were FISHING and it doesn't get much better than that.

In this photo is Jeff Fisher and daughter Caitlin with his catch from Saturday's trip.

We headed out at around 07:45 – a little later than usual as someone had missed the bus and as it was his boat the entire crew had to hang out and wait. The ride out was fast on a very flat sea making the 20 mile trip go by in a flash at a 25 knot cruise. We saw the changeover from inshore to blue water just past Po Toi in the ship channel.

Arriving a few miles from the wreck we planned to troll around saw flying fish but no birds and very little flotsam. Our first 2 hours saw a single strike which the guy had on for 5 minutes before the fish threw the hook. With nothing to help for sighting we continued to blind troll and by 11:30 had our first fish over the gunwale – a very small mahi mahi. At about 5 minutes past noon Jeff was nearest the rod that went off and brought in the fish in the above picture. There was a mate with that fish as it came to the boat so we quickly had the lure back out and trolled back through the area. The bull was caught and ended up on Ray Bond’s plate Sunday.

Throughout the next couple of hours we caught two more tiny mahi mahi making it 5 fish boated and one missed on the day but only 2 keepers.

The winds had kicked up to force 5 and the nice gentle swell was blown out to a small chop with whitecaps prevalent. That plus an electrical storm made us accelerate our plans to return, however, we stopped and trolled about 5 miles before the Leema Islands through the color change back up against Po Toi but without a further strike.



  1. Hi, I'm visiting Hong Kong right now and was looking to go deep sea fishing. I saw you post was somewhat recent. I was wondering if you could give me the name/number/email of the charter who took you out on the fishing trip. My email is

  2. Hit the home link at the top Paul, you're now connected to the charter page.
